Friday, March 28, 2014

We Now Have a Milkman

Ryan went out of town for a work trip a couple weeks ago. I didn't manage to shower or cook when he was gone, but when he got home he found this in our our fridge:

I hired a milkman.

Louie from Longmont Dairy Farms stopped by and I couldn't resist his sales pitch - or the frothy chocolate milk he let us sample. Now, we have a cooler on our porch for weekly morning drop offs. 

I asked Louie if I could bring my boys over to tour the farm (figured they'd find it interesting and I could write about it on here), but he said that visitors make the cows skittish, so sadly, I'm not going to be able to introduce you to the cows our milk is coming from. 

However, I did find a YouTube video on their website, so I can tell you that "the best cows give over 25 gallons of milk each day, enough for 400 glasses of milk". There were plenty of other interesting facts, but truth be told, I couldn't watch the whole thing. Benjamin turned one last week and I've just begun the process of weaning him from nursing to whole milk. Images like the one below are hitting a little too close to home.

On that awkward note, I'll see you next week with the first installment of a new project I've been working on that involves food musings from a three-year-old.

P.S. Did I mention the milkman can bring eggs, cheese and Noosa yoghurt too?  Have you tried this stuff? It's made in Colorado and it's about the only yogurt that doesn't make me scrunch my nose and smack my tongue against the roof of my mouth while I eat it. 

1 comment:

  1. Love this! Can't wait for the next post :) I hear you have a kiddo who likes to experiment with lots of yummy foods.
