Thursday, February 6, 2014

Cheat Week

I kind of cheated on my blog entry this week. I planned to write about one of the topics from the ongoing list I had going in my phone...

...but instead I decided I would update my blog profile with a bio. I hoped to get a new photo up too, but that would require that I blow dry my hair and put a little makeup on, so instead I stole a shot from my sister-in-law's bridal shower last summer when I wasn't ghastly pale.

I do have an excuse for my laziness though. I spent a lot of time this week cleaning up vomit, exploding diapers and soothing a sick baby when I should have been sleeping. Which means my brain was too fried to talk about creationism, Sochi or this...

Rachel Frederickson (Credit: Paul Drinkwater/Trae Patton/NBC)
Because you somehow found this even though I didn't tell anyone or publicize it on Facebook, you win a prize (well not really). But I do have a suggestion if you are bored and looking for something to read (besides this weak entry). My next post is going to be a really fun interview with the bestselling author of Beneath a Marble Sky. His name is John Shors and he has written some amazing novels that take you to exotic places and tell you beautiful love stories. Do yourself a favor and go read one of them now: Amazon - "Beneath a Marble Sky". You'll feel so "in the know" when I write something worth reading next week.

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