Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Resolution to Blog

The Resolution to Blog

2 Boys
These are my two boys, Noah and Benjamin.  They qualify me for the mommy part of mommy "bloggerdom".  


0 Excuses
I have lots of excuses for not starting a blog.

Here are my top five:

1. great blogs tend to be highly opinionated:
This isn't a problem because I lack opinions (you can confirm that with my husband).  It's just that a lot of times I tend to like being liked more than I like being right.  I also have a background in news and although some people may find it hard to believe I have always tried my darndest to keep an open mind and remain as neutral as humanly possible throughout my career.  So if you don't agree with something on this blog, please feel free to reply or post a comment.  You may change my mind or give me a new way of looking at things.  But no matter what, please remember, I like you more than my blog.

2. mommy blogs have giveaways and coupons, right?:
I hate coupons.  They make me want to buy stuff I don't need and they pile up in little expired stacks around my house.  I also don't have anything to give away - unless you want my expired coupons.  However, a little research has confirmed that not all mommy blogs operate this way, so I have decided I will not feel guilty about this.
P.S. I'll admit, I like 'Kohl's cash'.

3. i think i have already started two other blogs (and they still have only one post each):
This is true.  I think I started a blog before I moved from New York City to Colorado and I know I started one right before I had Noah.  I forgot which site hosted the first one, as well as the password and login, so it's been sacrificed to the internet gods.  As for the second, for a moment it was called "A Mile High with Dani & Ry"... it's a reference to Denver "The Mile High City", but my older sister couldn't stop laughing about "mile high" innuendos so I abandoned it.  However, I'm already working on the second post for this blog so I can move on knowing that I've broken my own record.

4. no one will want to read it:
I have decided I'm okay with this.  The real reason for the blog is to keep me writing with some regularity, so it shouldn't really matter if anyone reads it.  Also, my sweet Mom said she'll always read what I write so I know I'll get at least one site visit.  (Thanks Mom!)

5. i don't have the time:
I am writing this during the elusive simultaneous nap.  My boys line up their naps about twice a week and because I'm not one of those amazing moms who wakes up before their kids in the morning, I bank on these occasional overlaps to get stuff done.  If this were 2019 my little acronym might not have worked as well, but as long as the kiddos don't start plotting against me I think I can stay on top of this.

1 Year 
I don't know about you, but I do a lot better with things that have end dates.  So I'm committing to a year and promise to re-evaluate next December.

4 Monthly Posts

I could say I will post weekly, but I like the flexibility of four monthly posts.  That way if I procrastinate (which I'm wont to do), I can hammer out four at the end of the month and still not feel like a total failure.

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