Sunday, May 11, 2014

Thanks Mom!

"Suddenly all my ancestors are behind me. Be still, they say. Watch and listen. You are the result of the love of thousands."
- Linda Hogan

I find this quote to elicit one of the most beautiful images I can imagine and today it seems to be playing over and over in my mind. Like many people, I've spent today, Mother's Day, thinking about my amazing Mom. This year, more than ever though, I've also been thinking about all the Moms that brought us here. There are so many things that have changed in the last hundred years, but as I rocked Benjamin to sleep for his nap today, I couldn't help but think that even over the course of a thousand years, the intense love that a Mom feels for her babies has not been touched. Tonight, I'm thankful for those mothers that snuggled cold babies to sleep before electricity and sung seasick babies lullabies aboard ships to a strange land - in short, every mother that rocked and raised a mother leading up the rocking and raising of my Mother. There is no doubt that their love has been passed down through the generations. 

I could blog for days about all the wonderful things I love about my Mom, but instead I've decided to list just five of the many things that she has taught me that I hope to pass down to my own children one day:

1) Family meals are a must.
2) Always try to make sure no one gets left out.
3) Handwritten thank you notes are not old-fashioned.*
4) True beauty has nothing to do with makeup, clothes or the numbers on your scale.
5) If you can find a career you love, it won't always feel like work.

*sorry I haven't been very prompt with this lately

Thank you, Mom, for making every one of your four kids feel special all of the time. We know you don't always have the time to talk to each of us three times a day, but that doesn't keep us from calling (or you from pretending that you do have the time). I don't know what I'd do without you. xo